Accountant Salary Guide – 2023 Trends in Hiring and Pay

An accountant is a person who analyzes and interprets financial records to provide reporting, tax preparation, auditing, payroll services and other accounting duties. They work in a variety of industries for both small and large companies, government agencies, private individuals and non-profits. Depending on their level of experience and education, an accountant can earn anywhere from $31,000 to over $100,000 per year. Entry-level positions are typically salaried while senior-level roles may be commission based, with bonuses and other compensation tools like flextime, tuition reimbursement, and day care assistance being available. As the industry continues to battle for talent, competition has only increased, and candidates are increasingly savvy in their salary demands. As a result, many organizations are boosting salaries and increasing other rewards and incentives to attract and retain qualified candidates. This 2023 Accountant salary guide explores the latest trends in hiring and pay, as well as average salaries for the most in-demand roles across the US finance & accounting industry. How to Increase Your Accountant Salary As a professional in the field of accounting, your income potential can vary greatly depending on your level of experience and the type of work you do. You can make an impact on your earning power by pursuing additional qualifications, gaining managerial experience and becoming an expert in a specific industry or niche. With so many options in the field of accounting, it’s important to consider the various pathways you could take before making a decision. Depending on your education, career path and interests, you can choose to pursue public accounting, tax preparation, or another specialty area of the profession. Accountants who specialize in financial analysis may work for law firms, banks, consulting firms or other organizations that require specialized skills. They can also choose to go into business or become self-employed. Other related careers include cost estimators, budget analysts, personal financial advising, loan officers and tax examiners. The job satisfaction rating for Accountants is high, based on responses from Built In survey participants. This is likely because the role can offer a good mix of challenges, such as developing complex reports, managing projects, and dealing with multiple deadlines. The job can also be quite rewarding, based on the fact that the end results are often tangible and can have an impact on businesses in different ways. How to Become an Accountant To become an accountant, you will need to have several qualifications, including an accounting degree and relevant certifications. It’s also important to know that the accounting field is constantly changing, so it’s essential to keep up with the latest technological advancements and continue learning new skills. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, hiring in the finance and accounting industry continued to improve throughout the year. The unemployment rate for skilled professionals like accountants and auditors remained below the national average for occupations as a whole, with rates staying low for months at a time.

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